This truly is a beautiful play, peopled by many
characters, but with only one lone dynamic woman filling the stage. It is a
saga of a life filled with undeserved cruelty, and splashes of love, that send
a child into a poisoned garden. All of this on a bare stage with one creamy
silk embroidered wedding gown hung on a frame, a large screen with images and
photos, and one heart breaking video. Yet in this autobiographical play each
character stands out distinct and idiosyncratic. There is a child who believes
all she is told, her grandma who teaches her life’s lesson, her mother whose
mind crumbles, teachers, friends, and the father whose love she seeks in vain.
All come to vivid life.

Under Geoffrey Rivas’ sensitive and precise
direction this world premiere of what started as a Spoken Word monologue becomes
a fully realized drama. The setting is Jamaica
and the Bronx, in the 1980’s, but the story it
tells is universal. Imbedded in the text are soaring poems by Jozanne that lift
the text to illuminate its ageless truth. Plaudits for scenic, lighting and
projection design (Patsy McCormack and Rivas); sound (Edwin Peraza); costume
(Hilary Parkin), and graphics (Xavi Moreno).
Produced and developed by The Latino Theater
Company, with felicitations to artistic director Jose Luis Valenzuela. At the Los Angeles Theatre Center,
514 S. Spring St. Downtown, through
June 16. For tickets call (866) 811-4111 (toll-free) or
Photos of Jozanne Marie by Chaz Photographics.
Photos of Jozanne Marie by Chaz Photographics.