Friday, August 26, 2016


A young woman shares with us her bewilderment and confusion over her lost twin brother, Becket. He was the apple of her parent’s eyes, her own sturdy right arm, all of their hopefulness in life. Where did it go wrong? Did they love him too much, or was he somehow flawed? Everyone can identify with Wendy Graf’s sensitive and perceptive play. She gives no easy answers. People disappear. Some die, some move away, and some just never call anymore.

We are left with questions: did I care enough, did I say the wrong thing, should I go on searching? This play summons up these thoughts because here is a young man who everyone loves, but who somehow cannot manage to live up to theirs, and his own, expectations. It made me tear up for this family, haunted by the missing light in their lives, and for a few days I was close to tears thinking of certain people I have lost and still wonder about.

So, don’t miss this beautiful play, but don’t look for easy answers because there aren’t any. As in life, people do their best, but sometimes it just falls apart with no clear reason.

Bravo to the playwright, and director Kiff Scholl, for a wonderfully honest theatrical event. Plaudits to the superb cast: daughter Rachel Seiferth, father Rob Nagle, mother Deborah Puette and son Hunter Garner. Presented by Lisa Brenner of Electric Footlights, produced by Racquel Lehrman, Theatre Planners.
Sacred Fools Theater, 6322 Santa Monica Blvd. (near Vine), through Sept. 18. Tickets: (323) 960-7745 or

Photos by Ed Krieger

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